▼Nthor | |
▼NResources | Namespace for resource-related functionality |
CCentralOwner | Centralized ownership policy |
CRefCounted | Reference-counted ownership policy |
CAction | Class for dynamic actions that are connected with SFML events |
CActionContext | Structure containing information about the context in which an action has occurred |
CActionMap | Class template that associates identifiers with dynamic actions |
CAnimationAffector | Affector that animates particles using a function |
CAnimator | Class that stores the progress of an object's animation |
CArrow | Drawable arrow class |
CBigSprite | Sprite using big textures |
CBigTexture | Class for textures which are too big for sf::Texture |
CCallbackTimer | Advanced timer with the ability to trigger function calls |
CColorAnimation | Changes an object's color smoothly over time |
CColorGradient | Class to implement color gradients |
CConcaveShape | Concave shape class |
CConnection | Class that maintains control over a registered object |
CDistribution | Class holding a rule to create values with predefined properties |
CEdge | Edge that contains two vertices (its endpoints or corners) |
CEmissionInterface | Class that connects emitters with their corresponding particle system |
CEventSystem | Class for object-oriented handling of user-defined events |
CFadeAnimation | Lets an object fade in or out |
CForceAffector | Applies a translational acceleration to particles over time |
CFrameAnimation | Changes a sprite's subrect over time |
CJoystickAxis | Contains information about a joystick number, an axis and its threshold |
CJoystickButton | Contains information about a joystick number and button number |
CParticle | Particle class |
CParticleSystem | Class for particle systems |
CPolarVector2 | Vector in polar coordinate system |
CRefAnimation | Class to reference another animation |
CResourceAccessException | Exception class for invalid resource access |
CResourceHolder | Class that is responsible of the management of resources like images, fonts or music |
CResourceLoader | Class storing loading information for resources |
CResourceLoadingException | Exception class for failed resource allocation |
CScaleAffector | Scales particles over time |
CScopedConnection | RAII style connection with automatic disconnect |
CStopWatch | Pausable clock class that measures elapsed time |
CStringConversionException | Exception class for failed string conversions |
CTimer | Clock class that has the semantics of a countdown timer |
CTorqueAffector | Applies a rotational acceleration to particles over time |
CTriangle | Triangle class consisting of 3 vertices (its corners) |
CTriangulationTraits | Traits template to implement the Vertex concept |
CTrigonometricTraits | Trigonometric traits template |
CUniversalEmitter | Class that emits particles with customizable initial conditions |