Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 Caurora::AnyType-erased class holding any value
 Caurora::CopiedPtr< T >Copyable smart pointer template
 Caurora::DispatchTraits< K >Helper base class to implement custom traits for dispatchers
 Caurora::ExceptionException base class
 Caurora::FunctionCallExceptionException class for failed function calls
 Caurora::FunctionArity< Signature >Find out the number of parameters of a function
 Caurora::FunctionParam< Signature, N >Find out the N-th parameter type of a function
 Caurora::FunctionResult< Signature >Find out the return type of a function
 Caurora::InplaceTypeTag to construct optional objects in-place
 Caurora::Int< N >Simple integer wrapper, can be used for overload resolution
 Caurora::NonCopyableNon-copyable base class
 Caurora::DoubleDispatcher< Signature, Traits >Class that is able to perform dynamic dispatch on multiple functions with two parameters
 Caurora::SingleDispatcher< Signature, Traits >Class that is able to perform dynamic dispatch on multiple functions with one parameter
 Caurora::NoOp< R, N >Functor doing nothing
 Caurora::NulloptTypeNull literal for optional objects
 Caurora::OperatorDelete< T >Deleter that invokes the delete operator
 Caurora::OperatorNewCopy< T >Cloner that invokes the copy constructor and new operator
 Caurora::Optional< T >Represents optional values
 Caurora::PairHasherHash object for std::pair
 Caurora::PImpl< T, Size, Align >Fast PImpl idiom
 Caurora::RttiDispatchTraits< S, N >Identifies a class using RTTI
 Caurora::Type< T >Simple type wrapper, can be used for overload resolution
 Caurora::Typelist< Ts >Class template to store a list of types
 Caurora::TypelistAt< Types, Index >Random access to type
 Caurora::TypelistCat< LhsTypelist, RhsTypelist >Concatenate two typelists
 Caurora::TypelistContains< Typelist1, T >Check if type is part of typelist
 Caurora::TypelistFind< Types, Searched >Find position of type in typelist
 Caurora::VirtualClone< T >Cloner that invokes a member function clone()
 Caurora::CopiedPtr< void >