Tools Directory Reference


file  Algorithms.hpp [code]
 Algorithms to assist the STL.
file  Any.hpp [code]
 Class aurora::Any.
file  Downcast.hpp [code]
 Function template aurora::downcast()
file  Exceptions.hpp [code]
 Definition of Aurora exception classes.
file  ForEach.hpp [code]
 Macros to simplify container iteration.
file  Hash.hpp [code]
 Extensions to std::hash.
file  NamedTuple.hpp [code]
 Tuples with named members.
file  NonCopyable.hpp [code]
 Class aurora::NonCopyable.
file  Optional.hpp [code]
 Class template aurora::Optional.
file  PImpl.hpp [code]
 Class template aurora::PImpl.
file  SafeBool.hpp [code]
 Type aurora::SafeBool and corresponding functionality.
file  Swap.hpp [code]
 Helpers to declare and invoke swap() functions.
file  Typeid.hpp [code]
 Function template aurora::typeIndex()