Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
thor::ActionClass for dynamic actions that are connected with SFML events
thor::ActionContext< ActionIdentifier >Structure containing information about the context in which an action has occurred
thor::ActionMap< ActionIdentifier >Class template that associates identifiers with dynamic actions
thor::AffectorAbstract base class for particle affectors
thor::AnimationAbstract base class for animations
thor::AnimatorClass that stores the progress of a sprite's animation
thor::ArrowDrawable arrow class
thor::BigSpriteSprite using big textures
thor::BigTextureClass for textures which are too big for sf::Texture
thor::CircleGeometric circle class
thor::ColorAffectorApplies a color gradient to particles
thor::ColorGradientClass to implement color gradients
thor::ConcaveShapeConcave shape class
thor::ConnectionClass that manages the connection between an event and a listener
thor::CopiedPtr< T, OwnershipPolicy >Generic smart pointer class that supports several deep copy ownership policies
thor::DirectionalEmitterClass that emits particles in a given direction
thor::DoubleDispatcher< B, R >Class that is able to perform dynamic dispatch on multiple functions with two parameters
thor::DynamicCopy< T >Ownership policy that performs a deep copy depending on the object's dynamic type
thor::Edge< VertexType >Edge that contains two vertices (its endpoints)
thor::EmitterAbstract base class for particle emitters
thor::Emitter::AdderClass that connects emitters with their corresponding particle system
thor::EventSystem< Event, EventIdentifier >Class for object-oriented handling of user-defined events
thor::ExceptionException base class
thor::FadeInAffectorFades particles in over time
thor::FadeOutAffectorFades particles out over time
thor::ForceAffectorApplies a translational acceleration to particles over time
thor::FrameAnimationChanges a sprite's subrect over time
thor::FunctionCallExceptionException class for failed function calls
thor::JoystickSmall wrapper class for joystick number and button number
thor::MovedPtr< T, OwnershipPolicy >Smart pointer with move semantics
thor::NoCopy< T >Ownership policy that performs no copy
thor::NonCopyableNon-copyable base class
thor::ParticleParticle class
thor::ParticleSystemClass for simple particle systems
thor::PointGeometric point class
thor::PolarVector2< T >Vector in polar coordinate system
thor::PositionableFunctionality class for a 2D position
thor::RectangleGeometric rectangle class
thor::ResourceLoadingExceptionException class for failed resource allocation
thor::ResourceManager< Resource, ResourceKey >Class that is responsible for the management of resources like images, fonts or music
thor::ResourcePtr< Resource >Reference-counted smart pointer allowing safe access to resources
thor::Resources::FontKeyPredefined key class for sf::Font resources
thor::Resources::ImageKeyPredefined key class for sf::Image resources
thor::Resources::KeyTraitsMaps common SFML resources to ResourceManager keys
thor::Resources::MusicKeyPredefined key class for sf::Music resources
thor::Resources::ShaderKeyPredefined key class for sf::Shader resources
thor::Resources::SoundBufferKeyPredefined key class for sf::SoundBuffer resources
thor::Resources::TextureKeyPredefined key class for sf::Texture resources
thor::RotatableFunctionality class for a 2D rotation
thor::ScalableFunctionality class for a 2D scale
thor::ScaleAffectorScales particles over time
thor::ScopedConnectionClass that manages the connection between an event and a listener and disconnects it at destruction
thor::ScopedPtr< T >Noncopyable smart pointer that destroys objects going out of scope
thor::SingleDispatcher< B, R >Class that is able to perform dynamic dispatch on multiple functions with one parameter
thor::StaticCopy< T >Ownership policy that performs a deep value copy
thor::StopWatchPausable clock class that measures elapsed time
thor::StringConversionExceptionException class for failed string conversions
thor::TargetEmitterEmits particles towards a specified target zone
thor::TimerClock class that has the semantics of a timer
thor::TorqueAffectorApplies a rotational acceleration to particles over time
thor::Triangle< VertexType >Triangle class consisting of 3 vertices
thor::TriggeringTimerAdvanced timer with the ability to trigger function calls
thor::TrigonometricTraitsTrigonometric traits template
thor::TrigonometricTraits< double >Trigonometric traits: Specialization for double
thor::TrigonometricTraits< float >Trigonometric traits: Specialization for float
thor::TrigonometricTraits< long double >Trigonometric traits: Specialization for long double
thor::VertexClass that represents a point with X and Y coordinates
thor::VirtualClone< T >Ownership policy that calls a virtual Clone() function
thor::ZoneAbstract base class for geometric zones